Tuesday, September 2, 2008

baby + rabbit= always cute

Yes, I know. It's ridiculous. Both the cuteness quotient and the immensity that is Astronaut Jones. They love each other. SOoooooooooo cute.

I'm so glad Gustav wasn;t as bad as it was gonna be. Moma said that Monroe was getting hammered...they haven't had power since yesterday. All the Energy people went down South to be there to help out..now North La is being inundated. But they're all fine. They even cancelled school today and tomorrow.

School started today. I always miss my old students so much the first day of a school year. I always think " these kids won't be as much fun"....but of course, I get attached to them after a while ( some take more time than others ;) )
I always start off with this activity where the kids answer questions about me using stuff they've heard or from what they have observed of the classroom. One of the questions I always ask is " Do you think Mrs. Smith will be a hard teacher? WHy or why not?"
I usually get stuff like " No...she seems too nice" or " Yes but she will be nice about it"...things like that. But a kid named Izzy said this today-
" yes, I think you're gonna be hard."
And with a sweet seriousness he replied...." Cuz I can't understand the way you talk...."
Haha.....I told them they would be picking up my accent in less than a week. happens every year.
Hope y'all are dry and have power. And are not underneath a large oak tree. And by underneath, I mean supporting.


Little Blessings said...

Super cute! I think Lucy had that same dress. Sadly it is probably the same size and she has been out of it for 2 months now. We are fully into 9-12 where is miss Caroline at?

adrian seney said...

Love you, Jennifer! You make me laugh.