Maybe she's just a hard drinnker. I also think she might be a man. Gender Confusion can definitely lead a puppet down Vodka Alley. I shouldn't pick on her. She's actually having an exibit right now of Covers. Yep. All kinds of covers for stools. That crazy cracker puppet, Cornflake, was particularly proud of his entry for a stool cover. It was a diaper. A diaper on a stool. Get it?? I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!
I just realized I said actually twice already. My sister is the "Actually" queen. SHe said she didn't know how much she was saying it until the following conversation with her 2 year old daughter.
Margaret, my sis: " I sure do love you. Do you love me?"
Annabella, my niece: ".......( pause for silence).....Actually, no."
Margaret said she wanted to try to cut down on actual-ization in her vocab. I said well, just don't say it. But she said she needed a word with more than two syllables to make her sound smarter in conversations. I told her to try " verily, I say unto you". She said no thanks. Actually,no.
Took Caroline out for her maiden voyage on her namesake yesterday. We had a lot of fun and she loves boating! Although with her life vest on she moves lake Randy off " A Christmas Story" in his snowsuit.
Well, they got the rocking horse out of the sky. Cornflake can go back to his dumpster divin' now or wherever he gets those diapers for those stools. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
oK. Back to pretending to be an adult. I'm gonna go clean the house or something old like that.
How did Miss Caroline like the life jacket. Zane hated it. He would kick and scream the whole time. He has done little boating because of it. Hopefully he has mellowed out now. And I agree about the puppets. Looking back now as an adult they are kinda strange. It's a wonder I didn't even seem to notice as a kid.
I agree that lady Elaine is more than likely a man. Tell Marge that I use "actually" all the time and Audrey does too. I agree - it makes me sound smart!
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