Saturday, October 4, 2008

Foosball is de debil!

Sorry it has been so long since my last post. Septembers are terribly busy as a teacher. I teach 200 8th graders and it takes awhile for me to acclimate back to the insanity. But I kinda like it. Leaving my sweet Caroline has been horrible though. I really miss our play time.
Poor little thing got her first real bug last weekend. She had really high fever but the doc said it was just a virus and to wait it out. After her fever broke, she got roseola. Which is exactly what it sounds like. She was a splotchy little roseola for a day then it disappeared.
Now the other baby in the house is sick. Actually, Bing has always been pretty tough when it comes to getting sick. But as the years go by, he is taking to being a bit more pitiful .There's just so many family members competing for Moma's attention, an extra sniffle and moan always help. ;)
I got Caroline the cutest peapod costume for Halloween. bing is gonna be a pod too, since they are two peas in a pod. He is very adamant about it. I'm thinking of going as a carrot. You know...peas and carrots, Jenny!!! Of course, Astronaut JOnes will be going as a lobster and I am thinking Boudreaux may go as Mary Magdelene and Bridger as Baby Jesus. Yes, I am being serious. I think it might make a great Christmas card: The traditional manger menagerie of vegetables, lobsters, and the Holy Family. I just need to find Joseph....maybe Jones can be a lobster dressed as Joseph. Oh, the decisions a Moma has to make. It is dizzying.
today I'm putting out our Halloween decorations. Caroline loves Halloween already, especially giant spiders. Just like her Moma.
Caroline had her wellness check when she went in the other day too. She is STILL in the 5 % of size....such a teeny girl but strong as an ox and Doc said she is right in target for her percentile in growth. No one can believe she is 9 months old! But she is smart as a whip, despite her lilliputian size.
All is well here at the Smith house. Lanky is coming in for a visit this week. Can't wait to show off Plumpkin.
And here is your fast update on all members of the household:

Bing ( aka Popa, Steve, Officer Smith, Stinkpot): has the sniffles but is getting better. Also has been eating way to much cereal and the methane levels in the house are nearly lethal
Caroline ( aka Plumpkin, Plumpkers, K-line): getting over her sniffles and laughing and clapping the day away. Waving at everybody and saying "blahblahblah" all the time.
Boudreaux ( aka Bigguns, Loudmouth, Mr. Sweet Feet,Butterscotch Boy): doing great, napping and eating constantly. Always ready to bark, kiss and go for a walk. Often at the same time.
Bridger ( aka Lil Girl, Miss Pants, Lil Fox): looking to attack Boudreaux constantly and snuggle at any given moment.
Astronaut Jones ( aka The Man in Black, Jones, Mephis Jones, Mephis): Very explorative. Eating all the cabbage and loves to snuggle with K-line. Plotting to overthrow the governement.
Moma ( aka Baby, Jef-fer): Loving her little idiot family more and more every day.

Ok. You have updates. You can now sleep at night knowing we are OK. Promise to write at least once a week.

And look up Colossal Squids. Which ARE different than Giant Squids. I am obsessed with cephalapods as of late. I love their eyeballs.


adrian seney said...

As usual when it comes to you and your posts.....there are no words, only loud obnoxious laughter. Love and miss!

Unknown said...

squids...weirdness. love the title made me laugh....DE DEBIL! now go on inside and mama will brush ya hayer. makes me so happy/sad to hear k-line is waving!!!!!!!! missing her growing up sux!!!!!!!!! DALLAS DALLAS DALLAS

Unknown said...

oh and when it says matt that really means sir marge alot

Mojo said...

OHHHHHH! She is so cute, if only it was a broncos jersey she was wearing! hee hee! I am thinking that Kayla is going to catch her fast on the weight...Kayla is 13 lbs (75% on growth chart!)
I can't wait for that christmas card-Will is going to have serious questions about the birth of Jesus!
Big HUG from NC!